Auto Deduction Payment gateway platform

Fast and easy system to be used
Customer data is highly protected
Certified shariah compliant
Data Not Avaible
No unknown and hidden fees

Who We Are?

InfaqPay is a registered business entity and agent to Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB), which provides recurring payment platform services for businesses with lowest cost possible.

We craft our mission to focus in become strategic partner in providing systematic and efficient financial management with a vision to become Malaysian choice of auto-deduction platform.

Our Objective

Ensuring InfaqPay to become Malaysian choice of auto-deduction payment platform, we’ve streamlined our business objective as follows:

  1. To become strategic partner to Non-Government Organization, Religious and Education entity to manage contribution effectively.
  2. To develop convenience auto-deduction platform to ease contributor.
  3. Nurture good relationship between strategic partner and contributor.

Just RM 1.50 per transaction

Yes, that’s true. We only charge that low for each transaction.

At a fraction of cost, take a look on what are we trying to solve…

Work Flow
Ineffective contribution or manual filing system
High cost of new system development
Slow and complicated recurring enrollment process

How It's Work?

Step 1
Merchant Registeration

Strategic partner register as InfaqPay merchant

Step 2
Contributor Enrollment

Any person can begin enrollment as contributor at merchant website.

Step 3
Monthly Deduction

Monthly deduction will be charged from contributor Current or Saving account automatically.

Step 4
Real-time Report

Merchant will receive contribution report in real-time.

Step 5
Latest Update

Contributor receive latest update through periodically newsletter.

Supported Bank

Our service is supported and available at the following banks.